Tips to Best Commercial LED Grow Lights


commercial greenhouse LED grow lights

The use of LED grow lights for plants is increasing at a rapid pace. The commercial greenhouse LED grow lights are used in order to carry out agriculture in a controlled environment. In order to get the best quality lights, you need to choose a top commercial LED grow lights manufacturer. However, with so many manufactures in the industry, choosing the best ones can be tricky.

Here are some of the best tips that can help you make the right choice.

·         Look at the Manufacturer Success

The first thing to consider is the success of the LED grow light manufacturer. Exploring the official website of the company can help you gain insights into its success, years of experience, and other vital information. Moreover, taking a look at the customer testimonials of the company can help you get an idea about the quality of products they offer. Make sure to choose LED grow light manufacturers with maximum positive reviews.

·         Consider the Efficacy of Grow Light

Grow light efficacy refers to the PPE or the PAR photons output divided by the wattage of the fixture. Higher is the PPE; lower will be its electrical usage. In order to avail, the best commercial LED grow lights, make sure to choose the lights with greater efficacy.

·         Consider the Warranty

In recent times, the LED grow lights come with a warranty of about 5 years. However, there are a number of companies that offer two to three-year warranty on the grow lights. If you are making a large investment, make sure to purchase grow lights that come with a greater warranty period.


Also, consider the ease of installation of the LED grow lights. The more easy is the installation, the better it is. Keeping in mind these simple tips can help you purchase the best commercial LED grow lights.


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